E-mail that does not require an e-mail program installed on a user’s computer is known as :
A Webmail
B podcast
C utility
D blog
试题 2
The chief responsibility of TCP/IP is to ensure reliable point-to-point connectivity.
试题 3
Viruses all have two phases to their execution, the and the A infection phase
B create phase
C attack phase
D delete phase
试题 4
The largest network in the world is A Facebook
B Internet
D Web
试题 5
maybe a certain cause that some viruses infect upon.
A an external event on your PC
B a day
C a time
D a counter within the virus
试题 6
The smallest type of microcomputer A midrange
B handheld
C netbook
D tablet PC
试题 7
The network that connects computers all over the world.
A Web
D Internet
试题 8
Client-based e-mail accounts require this special program to be installed on your computer.
A e-mail client
B Java
C utility
D hyperlink
试题 9
A type of search engine that submits requests to other search engines, organizes their responses, eliminates duplicate responses, orders hits, and then provides an edited list.
A directory search
B metasearch engine
C specialized search engine
试题 10
White box testing requires the tester to have knowledge of the internal structure.
试题 11
Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically create Facebook A groups
B profiles
C clients
D pages
试题 12
The type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters.
A presentation
B database
C worksheet
D document
试题 13
Hackers sometimes can disguise themselves as internal users and attack your system undetected.
试题 14
Newer ideas in computing such as have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function.
A software engineering
B artificial intelligence
C distributed computing
D data mining
E parallel computing
试题 15
OOD is the stage of creation and OOP is an implementation stage.
试题 16
RAM is a type of A network
B secondary storage
C computer
D memory
试题 17
The two most common types of scanners are and A hand-held scanners
B handler scanners
C auto scanners
D flatbed scanners
试题 18
Software engineering covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems, but also management issues.
试题 19
The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and system unit are A software
B output devices
C hardware
D storage devices
试题 20
A multimedia system allows end users to share, communicate and process a variety of forms of information in an integrated manner.
试题 21
The rules for exchanging data between computers.
B protocols
D Web
试题 22
Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet. This is called
A uploading
B downloading
C blogging
D filtering
试题 23
Compared with simple non-EDI-based purchase, EDI purchase is faster, cheaper and convenient.
试题 24
These programs continually look for new information and update search services’ database programs.
A wikis
C spiders
D filters
试题 25
A browser is an example of a A basic application
B specialized program
C system application
D utility program
试题 26
Similar to viruses, you can also find malicious code in .
A logic bombs
B worms
C Microsoft Word Documents
D Trojan Horses
试题 27
Unlike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off A RAM
B secondary
C primary
试题 28
Programs that coordinate computer resources, provide an interface, and run applications are known as .
A storage systems
B application programs
C utility programs
D operating systems
试题 29
High-level languages are commonly classified as .
A functional
B procedure-oriented
C logic languages
D automatic
E object-oriented
试题 30
There are various languages for humans, whereas(然而)there is only one programming language for computer.
试题 31
New antivirus software is always more effective in defending virus attack.
试题 32
Data warehouse only contains current information.
试题 33
The windows that are displayed when you start VB are known as the Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
试题 34
is a type of executable file A TXT file
B EXE file
C JPG file
D COM file
试题 35
The change in connectivity that uses the Internet and the Web to shift many computer activities from a user’s computer to computers on the Internet A USB
B high definition
C network
D cloud computing
试题 36
Data warehouse is a single source of information to understand different subjects.
试题 37
Some viruses use and techniques to hide their existence A quickly spread
B stealth
C replace a part of system software
D polymorphic
试题 38
The main focus of MIS is the management function of an organization.
试题 39
Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage A media center
B netbook
C mainframe
D midrange
试题 40
A WAN is a network that connects LANs and nodes across a wide geographical area.
试题 41
A very well-known microblog A Myspace
B Wikipedia
C Twitter
D LinkedIn
试题 42
WWW provides access to a variety of Internet resources from different interfaces.
试题 43
The web browsers which is normal used, such as A ICQ
B Internet Explorer
C Google Chrome
D 360
E Firefox
试题 44
which is the type of electronic commerce in the following choice A B2C
试题 45
This is the Internet’s equivalent to traditional cash A Internet dollars
B i-cash
C digital cash
D e-commerce
XHTML中每个元素都有结束标记( )
在车床两顶尖间车削细长光轴,由于机床和工件的刚性均差,故车削后光轴呈( )。
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