The _____ serves as an interface between hardware and software A system
B application program
C operating system
D control unit
试题 2
With Internet Explorer and an Internet connection, you can search for and view information on the _________.
A Phone Dialer
B World Wide Web
C Programs
D Active Desktop
试题 3
Many operating systems have similar characteristics.
试题 4
Microsoft Word 2000 allows you to create many types of personal and business communications.
试题 5
The two most common types of scanners are and A hand-held scanners
B handler scanners
C flatbed scanners
D auto scanners
试题 6
An essential multimedia feature that allows user participation A raster
B immersion
C interactivity
D Flash
试题 7
One of the functions of an operating system is memory management.
试题 8
These specialized graphics programs combine text and graphics to create publications of professional quality A desktop publishing programs
B illustration programs
C image galleries
D image editors
试题 9
Special programs used to create multimedia presentations.
A image editors
B multimedia authoring programs
C desktop publishing programs
D Flash editors
试题 10
Computer software, or just software is a general term used to describe a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on a computer system. The term includes: A Middleware which controls and co-ordinates distributed systems.
B Application software such as word processors which perform productive tasks for users.
C devices on board mainboards or other types of integrated hardware carriers D Firmware which is software programmed resident to electrically programmable memory
试题 11
Error recovery does not belong to operating system.
试题 12
A virus is a program that reproduces its own code by A replacing another program
B simply placing a pointer
C inserting into the middle of a file
D adding to the end of a file
试题 13
The World Wide Web also subsumes previous Internet information systems such as A FTP
C Telnet
D Gopher
试题 14
Two common applications of LANs are _________ resource sharing and information resource sharing.
A software
B hardware
C computer
D network
试题 15
Also known as drawing programs.
A image galleries
B desktop publishing programs
C illustration programs
D image editors
试题 16
“Multimedia” means that _________
A it can do all above at the same time.
B it can rotate a three-dimensional model.
C it can play music D it can show a graph.
试题 17
Another name for the database used in expert systems that contains specific facts and rules.
A access table
B rule base
C expert table
D knowledge base
试题 18
Data communications equipment (DCE) accepts the serial data stream from the DTE.
试题 19
When a _________ is used, all the devices in the network are connected to a single cable.
A network
B bus network
C star network
D ring network
试题 20
A widely used interactive animation application from Adobe A Fuzzy
B Flash
试题 21
This area of artificial intelligence is also known as expert systems.
A robotics
B acoustics
C knowledge-based systems
D virtual reality
试题 22
Programs for Web site design and HTML coding are called Web page editors or A VR programs
B apps
C Web editors
D B.HTML editors
试题 23
Office 2000 is an incredible set of business tools.
试题 24
GIS work with two fundamentally different types of geographic models. They are the .
A mathematic model
B raster model E. data model
C geography model
D vector model
试题 25
Programs were thought of as a series of procedures.
试题 26
Graphics programs used to create and edit vector images A illustration programs
B desktop publishing programs
C image galleries
D image editors
试题 27
In the e-mail a user needs a message transfer agent.
试题 28
Many companies use _________ to train their employees A technology
B animation
C entertainment
D multimedia applications
试题 29
The heart of any computer system is the central processing unit (CPU).
试题 30
Multimedia is just two media: sound and pictures.
试题 31
_________ refers to the process of a two dimensional picture by a digital computer.
A Digital image processing
B Image compression
C Image data file format
D Pattern recognition
试题 32
Most operating system have a standard set of _________ to handle the processing of all input and output instructions.
A control instructions
B operation
C spreadsheet
D data table
试题 33
In electronic commerce information search and discovery services include A search engines
B information filters
C software agents
D directories
E electronic catalogs
试题 34
Only a few bugs can trouble a program.
试题 35
The network architecture is a layer-based.
试题 36
A processor can do everything without a program to provide control.
试题 37
The development process in the software life cycle involves four phases .
A testing
B audit
C analysis
D implementation
E design
试题 38
_______ uses commands that are easier for programmers to understand than are machine language commands.
A High-level language
B language
C Assembly language
D C++ language
试题 39
Modem is A a modulator/demodulator
B a modulator
C a data set
D a demodulator
试题 40
ADO.NET relies on the services of .NET data providers. There are A Data Adapter
B Command
C Data Reader
D Connection
试题 41
Videodisc and laser technology provide the ability to_________.
A create some education files
B enhance other forms of education
C cost more
D store large amounts of data
试题 42
Operating systems are unique to their manufacturers.
试题 43
All virus scanners can kill most known viruses.
试题 44
Input devices include: A the keyboard
B touch screen
C microphone
D the mouse
试题 45
A type of artificial intelligence that uses a database to provide assistance to users.
A virtual reality
B acoustics
C robotics
D expert systems
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